cooking time
Cooking Thai and Indonesia foods, for Indonesia food make nasi pecel, rempeyek teri, dadar jagung and lodeh terong. And the thai food is sour and sweet, chiken and potato soup, the dessert is grapes and apples,for Indonesia food cooked by Indonesia student of RMUTT, and the Thai food cooked by ajrn.Panaponk with some Indonesia students.
The ingredient.
sour and sweet food are;
1 shrimp.
2 pineapple.
3 chili.
4 tomato.
5 baby corn.
6 cucumber.
1 peanut.
2 cucumber.
3 cabbage.
4 chili.
5 garlic.
rempeyek teri;
1 rice flour.
2 small fish salty.
3 wheat flour.
4 garlic.
5 coconut milk.
6 lime leaf.
7 salt.
dadar jagung;
1 corn.
2 garlic.
3 onion.
4 chili.
5 egg.
Exciting challenge. Interesting banner. The both are delicious.
ReplyDeleteI ate the mixed Indonesian and Thai food. Please post Khusnul's large image too.
ReplyDeleteThank you bunda, i will post large image.
ReplyDeletemasih perlu banyak belajar nulis nich....males klu da nulis riz....
ReplyDeletepunya u lebih banyak tulisanx...punyaq...amburadul....heheheheheh
podo wae prend tek ku yo amburadul g karuan,,,,
ReplyDeleteyang pnting qta trus balajar wae wes,,,oyi,,,
tpi q uruk ono yo,,,
uruk'i opo????? wong podo amburadule....
ReplyDeleteuruk2an amburadul ta????hehehehehhe
Urun rembug ya... :-)
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